Volunteer to Help our Neighbors in Need

There are ways you can help our childhood hunger cause right now. Please consider signing up to volunteer to glean with us!

What is gleaning? It is the act of collecting leftover crops from farmers’ fields. Organizations like Community Harvest of Central Vermont use gleaned vegetables to feed our neighbors in need.

We need 5-10 volunteers on each day listed below.

Gleaning is particularly important this time of year as there are many crops on trees and in fields that will go to waste if they are not gleaned in the next several weeks. Apples and veggies will be gleaned for Community Harvest of Central Vermont and will be given to schools and organizations where there is the greatest need.

Email asteinmetz@nationallife.com to claim your spot. And yes, this does count as volunteer time! (Be sure to track it in Ultipro and on National Life Today.)

Here are the available times:

Tuesday, October 29th from 10:15 am – 12:15 pm, farm @ Berlin, VT (You will be given details.)
Friday, November 1st from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm, location TBD based on greatest need @ Washington County (You will be given details.)
Wednesday, November 6th from 10:00 am – 12:15 pm, location TBD based on greatest need @ Washington County (You will be given details.)

**Please note: It is possible that volunteer dates may need to be canceled closer to, if there is inclement weather. If so, you will be notified.**