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We found a great opportunity in the past week or so to combine a couple of our Do good projects to address an immediate hunger relief need.

We heard from Xan Rousselle that the Lamoille County food shelf uses tote bags and similar items to package food to send out to the community.

Xan’s mom works at the food shelf and apparently the bags are always in short supply.

He asked if we would be able to help out. The answer was, yes, and it didn’t really cost us anything except a little bit for shipping.

We had a stock of drawstring bags in the Do Good Fest inventory and none of them were used this year since the festival was canceled because of Covid-19.

So, the team from Document Management Services boxed up a bundle of them and shipped them off.

As we all know, hunger has spiked during the economic crisis brought on by the pandemic. And September is Hunger Action Month, so it made sense to take on this cause.

Another team Do Good effort.