NLG Employee does good

Sara Akers planned and hosted a fundraising charitable event and raised $10,023.68 for a local from Montpelier who is battling Chronis Myeloid Leukemia.

National Life’s own Sara Akers has been busy lately. Not only is she a New Business Case Manager on the Vermont campus, she’s also the creator of Boots ‘N Balls, a charitable co-ed winter kickball tournament. The event is quickly becoming an annual tradition in Central Vermont, “kicking-off” its second tournament this past weekend at Tarquinio Park in Barre.

While the tournament is fun for both players and spectators, the true objective of the event is to raise funds for local families in need. Last year, over $7,000 was raised for three year old Rowen Smith, an East Montpelier boy who suffers from life threatening medical conditions. This year’s tournament benefited Karen Kerin of Montpelier, who is battling Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. The proceeds allow the beneficiaries to focus on their treatment, and stress less on every day expenses.

The fundraiser has been so popular, that a spin-off has been created – Boots ‘N Bags, a cornhole tournament that nearly two dozen teams signed up to participate in.

You’re a true #DoGooder, Sara!

Learn more about Sara and the Boots ‘N Ball tournament in a recent Times Argus feature here.