Members of FMG Team Pass CFA Exams

Please join us in congratulating two of our colleagues who have recently passed their CFA exams!

Kathleen Sullivan passed the CFA Level I Exam.

Matt Cottrell passed the CFA Level II Exam.

Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation is considered the highest distinction in the investment management profession. It provides the strongest foundation in advanced investment, analysis, and real-world portfolio management skills for a career advantage that can be used at all stages of a career. This globally recognized, graduate-level credential is held by over 150,000 professionals across 163 countries.

The CFA charter is earned by completing three levels of the CFA Program Exam. Focus areas vary by exam level, increasing in complexity and difficulty with a core of ethics and professional standards across all levels. 300+ hours of study is required per exam level.

Way to go, Kathleen and Matt!