How Did We Hit $200 Million in the First Half? With a lot of Teamwork

Surpassing $200 million in life sales in the first half of the year comes with a lot of hard teamwork, not to mention the possibility of more records when the accounting folks close the books on the second quarter.

To put it into perspective, some of our sales leaders outlined what it took on a recent leadership meeting.

So far this year, 140,000 applications for coverage have come in.

The sales desk has fielded 47,613 calls and made about 4,300 outbound calls to drum up business. The desk has also conducted 210 webinars for our selling customers.

The Customer Experience Center has really been hitting the phones, taking 314,612 calls.

It’s also becoming more efficient, reducing average hold time by 25 seconds and reducing after-call work – the amount of time it takes to finish up the work after a call ends – by 17 seconds.

More than $85 million of this year’s first-half total was driven by the Advanced Markets team.

Now, back to the tantalizing possibility of more records for the second quarter and the first half.

Justin Daniels, who heads the Financial Plan & Analysis team, told the senior leadership meeting this week that income and profits are looking very good.

“This is going to be the best quarter the company has ever had in its history, hands down,” Justin said. “It’s probably going to be the best first half of the year.” Justin even predicted that we could be on our way to our best year ever.