Happy Anniversary To Us!

Good morning,

November 13, was a significant day in the history of National Life. We began our 175th year.

Since first arriving at National Life and learning about the innovative vision of our founders, the idea of “National,” for me, has been inspirational. The thought of this motivates me every day. Nobody told me to be inspired by it—I find it daring. I take seriously the responsibility of being the steward of that vision. The audacity of building a national company, which is mission driven and purposeful, truly and deeply inspires me. It drives the concept of service and providing it to the underserved and beyond.

Today, National Life remains strong and visionary. Our on-going sustainable growth, our commitment to our communities, our servant leadership values are all testament to that. We are proud of our history, of how far we have come, and of where we are poised to go.

We will begin to unveil exciting happenings to commend our milestone year.

This is just the beginning. You will see and experience more throughout the year. I look forward to celebrating with you.


Mehran Assadi
Chairman, CEO & President