Get Yourself Hydrated for the Holidays With New Water System

Our new purified water dispenser stations have been installed in most locations across both campuses.

So, just in time for the stresses of the holidays, grab your water bottle and go fill it up because research shows that staying hydrated is truly key to good health.

The new dispensers come from Flowater. The system not only filters the water to remove things such as dirt, dust and suspended solids picked up in public water pipes, but also adds key things, such as activated oxygen, 10 trace minerals to raise the pH level of the water, and electrolytes.

The higher pH levels, by the way, “can help neutralize acidity in your body (which is caused by daily factors like an unbalanced diet, environmental impurities, and stress). By neutralizing acidity, you relieve some of the stress on your internal organs (which must work extra hard to get rid of acid),” Flowater says on its website.

The Flowater system avoids adding things to water that get picked up from plastic bottles and often flavor it. So, the new Flowater truly does taste better than tap water.

Check out details about Flowater online.

And then just place your glass or refillable bottle at one of the dispensers and follow the prompts. You can get both hot and cold water.

It’s also worth noting that the Flowater dispensers have reservoirs to hold filtered water and another to hold the filtered so it can chill. During times of heavy usage, those reservoirs can get depleted. So you may need to be a little bit patient if you’re thirsty.