Announcing Strong and Free Fitness Class – Vermont Campus

Beginning the week of October 21st, Charlie Maitland will be offering a new class titled Strong and Free!

Often wonder how to increase your strength and keep from getting injured? Move your body the way it was meant to move using unique combinations of nature’s original “workouts,” including crawling, jumping, squatting, kneeling, balancing, lifting, carrying, throwing and more.

This course is based on the MovNat (Natural Movement) system. The practical movements will improve your mobility and efficiency with everything that requires your body to move: sports, walking/jogging, house/yard work, playing with youngsters, etc. Adjusting difficulty is always an option, so all fitness levels are welcome.  

Minimal/no footwear is recommended but not required. The class will be offered twice a week on Monday from 12:45 pm to 1:15 pm and on Thursday 4:30 pm to 5 pm.  The class is a four week session and each class builds on the one before it.  Monday and Thursday classes are identical.  After the initial four weeks, look for more information to follow.

If you have questions about the class or the format, please reach out to Charlie at