From Brittany Russo, 2021 & 2022 WIN Chairperson:
Hello and Happy New Year!
It has been another incredible year for the Women’s Inclusion Network (WIN). Our community has dug deep with vulnerability to continue the learnings around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Conversations that we are starting have inspired our agents to protect more lives and confidently grow their business while also giving space for the employees of NLG to find their true calling within the organization.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my 2 years as the leader of this dynamic group. Off the heels of The Strategic Thinking Initiative (STI4) and through the ambiguity of the pandemic I have discovered my voice as a leader and grown my confidence as a pillar of the organization. It is with much gratitude and adoration for my team that I announce my departure as a leader and welcome, Lauren Finney to the helm.
Lauren is a natural fit for the evolution of the community. Starting her career on the Life Sales Desk in 2011, Lauren’s journey would take her through each pocket of the company. First in Operations as the head of On Boarding where she welcomed all new groups that recently contracted through the Independent and Affiliated Distribution Channels, then to Sentinel Investments as an Internal Wholesaler for the Northeast and now in her current role as an Advisor Consultant charged with recruitment at Equity Services. Lauren has a lens like no other; she has worked intimately with all the Distribution channels that make up the NLG Field force all while holding a seat in the home office. Her ability to connect with both sides of our community will help take WIN to the heights of Inclusion that we have been aiming to achieve.
Along with Lauren, the Women’s Inclusion Network would like to welcome Darlene Flagg, VP of Marketing and Brand and Michael Veilleux, SVP People Center as executive sponsors. With the well-deserved retirement of Pam Blalock this past year, WIN has been actively working with Darlene and Michael to bring elevated programming, content, and connections to the community. With their assistance WIN will continue to grow membership and engagement. We look forward to having their guidance and support as we head into a new year.
As 2022 has come to an end I encourage everyone to stay connected to WIN. 2023 will be filled with Networking Events, Mastermind Study Groups, Volunteer Opportunities, and plenty of Barrier Breaking conversations that will push leadership, sales and recruiting to the next level.