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We got a good preview at our employee meeting this week about how much material ends up heading to the landfill that otherwise would best be diverted toward recycling or reuse.

Well, to keep us moving toward the goal of diverting ever more of our waste, the facilities team is sponsoring a competition.

Here are the details:

  • A floor by floor waste audit will be conducted again anytime in the next three weeks
  • The results of this audit will be used to determine the competition winner
  • Results from the past waste audit will be used to determine the “most improved floor”
  • The winning floor will get free attendance to a zero-waste ice cream social (must provide your own reusable bowl/spoon!)
  • The winning floor and most improved floor will receive a ribbon to hang on their floor.
  • And the National Life Foundation will provide a $100 donation to the charity of the winner’s choice.

Watch The Weekly and National Life Today for details.