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Fun and Wellness

What’s Your Secret? Featuring Wendy Gould.

What’s Your Secret?
Featuring Wendy Gould
Records Specialist, Montpelier Campus

Heart disease is prevalent in Wendy’s family. Both her mom and grandmother had heart attacks in their 50’s.   Her grandmother was told if she didn’t lose weight and change her food choices another heart attack was certain to happen.  Her grandmother accepted the challenge.  After recovering from the heart attack she made a lifestyle change and was never heavy again.  As Wendy approached her 50’s she decided she needed to lose weight to reduce her risk of having a heart attack.   

Wendy joined WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers) here on the Montpelier Campus.   WW helps you eat a balanced amount of food on a weekly basis by tracking points based on food choices.  There are a lot of free point foods including fruits, vegetables, hard boiled eggs, and chicken.  The point system helps make you accountable for what you are consuming.  WW encourages you to exercise as well.  Wendy added walking to her routine.  Wendy lost 53 pounds from May to January.   She says being smaller gives her more energy and reduced her blood pressure and cholesterol.  She needed new clothes that fit her smaller frame and she suggested they do a clothes swap at WW.

Wendy loves food and finds it challenging to pass up good food.  When she needs willpower she goes back to her why.  She choose to change her lifestyle not only for herself but for her husband, children, and  grandchildren.   She wants to spend quality time enjoying family for many years to come.

Wendy works two jobs but manages to find time to walk.  Wendy loves to walk.  She will walk ten miles on Sunday if her schedule allows.  When the weather is bad she will use her treadmill.   She will walk for a minimum of 20 minutes when short on time and up to 90 minutes.

Wendy has had less time to walk over the last few months because her sister has been very sick. She has been spending more of her free time with her. She’s hoping to get back on track and looks to her why to motivate her.  She says WW is a great way to stay on track.  The meetings provide a place to get support, recipes, and share struggles.   Wendy recommends giving WW a try because it’s right on campus.  She says it’s not for everyone but it’s a great resource to get you started.  She also recommends finding an activity you love and do it often whether it’s walking, skiing, or swimming.  Walking is free and she’d walk to the moon and back!