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The Montpelier Senior Activity Center is seeking volunteers! Can you help?

From the Montpelier Senior Activity Center:

“Next week, we are seeking volunteers for our Rummage Sale, for two days that might work for National Life employees. First, we’re looking for volunteers for Monday, April 1st – volunteers could serve from 9-12 in the morning, or from 1-4 pm in the afternoon. Second, we’re seeking a lot of help for Friday, April 5th – mostly in the afternoon, from 1-4 pm.

These volunteers would help in one of two ways; first, volunteers can help set up the sales floor and maintain guest safety. Second, volunteers can act as cashiers with the sale. This would mean using a simple cash box for really easy transactions.

If any National Life employees are interested in joining us for this event, we would love to be able to include them in this fun event! We’ll provide some snacks and drinks the weekend of the sale (for Friday National Life volunteers), and all volunteers are encouraged to shop the sale either before or after their service.

Interested volunteers should contact, or call 802-225-8694.”

– Becky Johnston, AmeriCorps VISTA Volunteer