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We all know that there’s something different and special about National Life and the way we do business. But it’s sometimes hard to say how we’re so unique.

Thanks to a tip from Executive Vice President Vesta Bovair, we’ve got a really good example of how our mission-driven company Spreads the Good.

Robin Davis, a title services representative, got a call from a policyholder in California late last month.

Without going into too much detail that would reveal private information about the policy or the customer, the client wanted to know what would happen if he surrendered the policy or exchanged it to another company.

That’s when Robin’s sleuthing skills kicked in. She told the policyholder that she could help.

She did some research and found one of our agents in the area who could give him an option other than exchanging the policy to another company.

Then Robin got in touch with Michele Dienst, a client partner to make she was on the right track. She was and Michele reached out to the agent.

Robin and Michele worked together to get the information about the customer to the agent and by the next day the agent had conserved the policy.

Here’s how Michele described the agent’s visit.

“(The agent) flew up on Friday, saw the client and wrote a … Peak Life (policy),” Michele wrote in an email to Robin. “Dave Augustoni approved it today!  While Steve was at the house, Mass Mutual called twice trying to get the client to move the … old National Life policy to them.  Steve was able to save the case, but only because you took the time to make a call!  Kudos to you, Robin!  And, many thanks!”

This is Spreading the Good in so many ways, from ensuring National Life kept and increased the amount of the policy in question to giving that client and that agent a taste of the kind of personalized service that National Life excels in providing.

And just as importantly, it was teamwork involving both Robin and Michele, but also many others in the company. That’s the cause we’re on.

Photo above: Robin Davis.