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You’ve heard about Camp CoLo. You know it’s a co-location workplace created to help break down departmental silos and help people engage across departments. You may have already seen the article about what our campers learned and the connections they made. But, do you know what else makes it such a special experience?

Read on to hear what our five most recent campers thought about camp…

“My experience with Camp CoLo was amazing. I am so thankful for the opportunity to work and learn with some great people here at National Life and make some special connections. It was much more than an opportunity to learn about what others do, it was an opportunity to grow and continue to develop into the person I strive to be. All of the participants shared personal experiences in and outside the office and opened my eyes to what it means to be real.”

-Cathy Fisk, Senior Paralegal – Legal

“For me, Camp CoLo provided the opportunity and environment to have thoughtful, authentic, and vulnerable discussions. I connected with each fellow camper about our work and job commonalities, as well as shared challenges. It was validating to know that across such a large organization, we are all searching for ways to make our professional and personal lives better each day even through tough obstacles; not all days are easy and that’s okay. 

I learned some of the intricacies of compliance, fraud, and working in the contact center to which I otherwise wouldn’t have been exposed. I observed a few of the finer details behind corporate newsletters and obtained valuable contact information to help achieve team goals within my department. I received an inside look at ELI and the opportunities that exist beyond our day jobs.

I would highly recommend this opportunity to anyone wanting to shake up their routine and meet new people!”

-Danielle Franklin, Team Lead – Outbound Payment Center

“In my mind, I have renamed Camp CoLo Camp Connection.  The number one take away for every one of us was the connections we made with each other, both professional and personal.  We talked about just graduating from college and our kids going to college, our health and food choices, our kids playing soccer, our love if hiking and being outdoors, our dogs and our cats, and our frustrations and our joys.  In short, we became friends.  Yes, we also talked about work… and this is where we were most surprised.  Overhearing phone conversations sparked many comments of “Oh, I could help with that.” Or “I didn’t know you did that.”  And even some “We’ve got to talk more because I want to know more about ……”   I know we just scratched the surface of all the knowledge and experience our group had, but even that small beginning makes it clear that we all have a lot to share.  And we all want to share.

The campers and their counselors Christie Keene and Nicole Friend outside “Camp Erie” on the 3rd floor in Vermont

In my 2018 ELI final video, I discussed the value of connections across unrelated work groups outside the standard org chart hierarchy and how these connections shorten the chain of communication within the company.  Camp CoLo gave me some great connections.  Now instead of my line of communications to Legal, or NL Compliance, or Distribution or the Call Center being a multi-step process with strangers, it’s one phone call to a friend.”

-Dan House, Senior Suitability Review Prin – ESI

“Going into Camp CoLo, I was a bit worried – what would everyone else be like?  Within mere minutes, it became clear that my fears were unfounded. The other campers were all friendly and just as eager to make friends as I was, and we soon bonded over a variety of topics both work-related and not. Even with the wide variety of experiences, ages, backgrounds, and areas of expertise, there was no shortage of conversation, and I soon found myself even more comfortable and at home than I had ever hoped I might be. In my nervousness, I had forgotten something that should have been blindingly obvious: every employee has their own background and experiences, and work does not define who we are. Talking to one camper about their child who is about to go to college, or with another who could help clue me in to different theater opportunities in the area, or even with the whole group about foods we love or hate, I was quickly reminded that just because we were meeting in a work setting didn’t mean that we couldn’t be friends!

This is not to say, however, that the benefits of my week at Camp CoLo can only be measured through a more personal lens; I learned a great deal about different areas of the company and the roles and responsibilities within them, and was able to make substantial strides in furthering my understanding of the company as a whole. 

I can say without a shred of doubt that Camp CoLo was a hugely positive experience for me.”

-Sam Reed, RLDP Associate – Compliance

“Camp CoLo was nothing short of a magical experience. It was by far one of the most enriching weeks of my work life to date and I am so grateful to all my fellow campers and our two counselors. The opportunity to learn from and learn about colleagues in a low-pressure environment came at the perfect time for me – a time when I was craving diving even more deeply into the positive aspects of our corporate culture, and to forging not just new colleague relationships, but new friendships too. Camp CoLo reminded me of the importance of connecting with people across all levels of the company and to not be afraid to put myself out there to do so.

The fact is, how we show up at work does not make up the whole of who we are, and Camp CoLo offered each of us the opportunity to move beyond just a colleague relationship and to connect with one another more deeply – human to human.

If you’re interested in Camp CoLo, don’t hesitate to hop on board. Don’t let the fear of not fitting in, of maybe not having access to two monitors, of missing time with your own team, or anything else hold you back. I had such a blast in Camp CoLo from day one that I didn’t even have a moment to worry about any of those things. Through all the fun, connections and laughter, the work still got done too. I’d say that’s a win win!”

-Allison Steinmetz, Communications Specialist – Corporate Communications

Deemed the latest Camp CoLo group’s mascot, Wilbur the Frog sits proudly on the table. (Wilbur was given as a gift from one camper’s team.)

Are you interested in being a part of Camp CoLo in the future? Stay tuned for details! Camp CoLo is popping up in Texas in September (dates TBD) and in Vermont the week of October 21st – 25th. We’ll let you know when you can toss your hat in the ring to participate!