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CEO Mehran Assadi capped an annual leadership summit by recognizing seven leaders with 7Cs Awards.

These are awards that Mehran has handed out for 10 years now recognizing how leaders from around the company reflect a particular set of values that he uses to guide himself.

This year’s winners, and the category in which they were recognized (along with the criteria), are:

Joe Heaslip. Comprehension:  needed in order to effectively anticipate change and react decisively

Stephanie Burmester. Competency: have a knowledge base in order to lead from comprehension



Rebecca Dunne. Confidence:  through development of competency, develop confidence

Tim Ryder. Conviction: doing the right thing, not just making the right decision

Michael Crawford. Courage:  taking personal risk to transform decisions into reality

Marie Lemieux. Communication:  to motivate people and make things happen through people; also affording the person the dignity by communicating in words they understand

Marco Campa. Character: develop a level of trust and a sense of ethics; not playing situation ethics; do the right thing; be worthy of the trust placed in you