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CEO Mehran Assadi cut the ribbon on the new National Life Health and Wellness Center on Tuesday with Gov. Phil Scott. And as he did so, he had one request for employees: Use it.

“Those of you who have not had your annual physical checkup, sign up,” Mehran said at a news conference with the governor and Mark Butler, Cigna New England president. “It is very important. You cannot do what you do for our clients, for your colleagues, for your family without being healthy.”

This full-service health center on the Vermont campus is designed as a pilot that could be expanded to the Texas campus in the future.

No other company currently provides such a benefit. “This is historic from Cigna’s perspective in Vermont,” Butler said. “This is the first health center of its type in the state of Vermont.”

The health center will be open Monday and Wednesday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Friday 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. It is located just off the lobby in the corridor to the right of the elevators. You can find more information including health center FAQs and a patient intake form on the information page located here.

Governor Scott praised National Life for leading the way in an innovative effort to continue controlling health care costs and making Vermont a better place to work.

“We appreciate your work and the work of the health care community to try to lower these costs,” Scott said. “This new onsite health center will provide essential, preventative care in a convenient setting. I appreciate National Life stepping up, and Cigna, as well, for taking a lead on this initiative.”