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CEO Mehran Assadi and National Life were featured at Appreciation Financial’s kickoff events this past week, highlighting the close partnership between the two organizations.

Appreciation is one of National Life’s top independent marketing groups. And National Life is a top carrier for Appreciation.

Mehran and Senior Vice President Louis Puglisi appeared from the main stage at Appreciation’s annual kickoff event where 400 agents were treated to presentations on industry trends and company goals.

Mehran’s message is a consistent one about the need to work for and with mission-driven, purpose-filled companies that have cause, as National Life does.

At the many kickoffs he is attending, Mehran talks about National Life’s cause to Do Good in the community and in our customers’ lives.

He encourages agents and others to follow National Life’s lead, highlighting the #FindYourCAUSE initiative that is a theme of the company this year.

Also as part of the kickoff, members of the National Life team joined Appreciation associates to volunteer in the community.

As Appreciation has done in the past, it found an elementary school that needed some sprucing up and sent teams in to take on the job.

Members of our home office team joined Appreciation agents to paint interior and outdoor areas at Ruby Thomas Elementary school in Las Vegas. There was also a mural that was refreshed, landscaping was improved and and clothes and food pantries were stocked.

In other words, Appreciation has taken up Mehran on his challenge and definitely found its Cause!

Additionally, Barb Fitch and Sandy Mollett from the compliance team attended to help teach agents the right way to do business in schools. National Life also conducted a certification class to train agents on conducting business in the 403(b) markets.