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A Texas educator was announced as this year’s LifeChanger of the Year Spirit Award winner for the amazing support his community has shown for his nomination.

Lester Banks Jr. is the campus monitor supervisor at Bryan High School and he was originally nominated for the incredible dedication he has to a school that is also his alma mater.

“He attends practically every event held at the school, not because he has to, but because he wants to be there to support the kids,” according to his nomination. “Mr. Banks can be seen selling football tickets during the football season, helping with security at sporting events, and helping oversee the concession stand at basketball games, as well as supervising students completing Saturday community service.”

He spends his own money to buy tickets, supplies, food, clothes or shoes for kids in need. He also spends time working with kids who are in trouble, helping them as they grapple with the issues in their lives.

Lester’s impact on his community is clear by the outporing of support that his nomination received. He has an incredible 1,557 supportive comments on his profile on the LifeChanger of the Year website, a record for the program. And he’s also been heralded on social media.

As the Spirit Award winner, he splits $5,000 in cash between himself and a cause identified by his school.