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Our LifeChanger of the Year program got a heartwarming thank you note from an educator who was surprised recently with a new program that helps fund supplies and equipment in schools.

LifeChanger partnered with the National Life Foundation and to make $500 donations to six educators around the country. is a nonprofit that funnels money to classrooms. So often, teachers are digging into their own pocket to provide for their students. This program helps supplement those efforts.

Lindsey Ison was the first educator honored through this initiative. She’s a cafeteria supervisor in Ohio who has overseen programs that gets food to students and their families, especially throughout the pandemic. She took advantage of the AdoptAClassroom platform and has already more than doubled the amount of money National Life has donated. Here’s what she wrote to the program.

Dear Team ,

Thank you for choosing our school and your generous donation to our Backpack Program classroom at Fairhaven School. I feel beyond blessed to have your support! I am so humbled you chose us! That is so amazing and fantastic in every way!! When I started the Backpack Program and we received our first donation I did cartwheels all the way around the halls inside of our school and out the front door! At 40, that was a workout well worth it! I later found out it was caught on the school camera! I just get so excited to share these blessings with my students and their families!

Currently our Backpack Program provides nutritious home meals, dietary supplements, and other essential items to our students who are at risk.  Our program also provides CITE students with an opportunity to develop fundamental job skills to transition from school to seeking employment in the community. Through your donation to our Backpack Program will be able to expand once again!! This is so awesome!!  We have a meeting this Friday to turn our donations from Adopt A Classroom into a school garden. This will not only provide another opportunity for education, but will also add to our nutritious meals we send home with our students, and help develop additional job skills for our students who are preparing to enter the workforce in the community.  This program is fully funded by donations. You truly make the difference for us, and we are extremely grateful! From the bottom of my heart, and from my Fairhaven Family we want to thank you for sharing this blessing with us.

Today your donation is going toward our Backpack Program classroom.


Lindsey Ison

Cafeteria Supervisor