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A Kudos Award was presented to Kasia Starzec for her dedication to customer service, which also includes colleague service.

Kasia works in the Contact Center on the Vermont campus and spends her day fielding calls.

“Throughout the day Kasia takes many calls from our agents and customers and handles them with grace and care, even when they are escalated or difficult in nature,” Aria Allen, a team manager in the Contact Center, wrote in her Kudos nomination. “Kasia routinely goes above and beyond to make sure that the caller’s needs are met and collaborates with other departments to find solutions.”

We’ve previously written in our Spread the Good feature about how Kasia helped an 89-year-old policyholder, who then wrote to the company to tell us “she deserves an extra coffee break.”

Well, Aria agreed and offered more details about why Kasia deserved a Kudos.

Aria said in her nomination that Kasia stands out in her job not just because she is so good with agents and customers, but because she is also happy to help out colleagues.

“Kasia has volunteered to adjust her schedule on a moments notice to assist her team. Kasia is very thorough and detail oriented which is evident in her interactions with our callers. Kasia is often sought after for her feedback on how to make the customer/agent experience better as that is something that is always on her mind.”