Once upon a time, there was a perception that employees who left their role to take a completely different one were taking a risk.
They would jeopardize all they’ve worked for, starting from square one with new people and new processes. They were called “Job Hoppers.”
Fast forward to today. In our fast-paced economy, Job Hoppers don’t come with the same misperceptions. Today they are considered lucrative hires, people who are willing to ask questions, take the initiative, adapt to changing environments.
So what is it like to switch roles, moving to a completely new job when your existing one is going just fine? How do you take that first step? And what are some of the unexpected land mines you might encounter?
Join us for an informative and lively panel discussion with NeAndre Broussard, Carolyn Jenkins, Nimesh Mehta, and Tammy Thornhill to find out what it’s like to be a Job Hopper and how you too might consider taking the leap!
Tuesday, January 9th
9:00 am – 10:00 am
Rio Grande