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A big thank you to Anne-Marie Bobay, Anna Travers, Erin King (not pictured), Deb Loomis (not pictured) and Charlie Maitland for helping guide the waste sorting stations during the first few days of the “dishwasher down” operation in Vermont. These Green Ambassadors did an awesome job!

Our kitchen now has a new dishwasher, allowing us to continue using washable plates, cups, and utensils. With a high-efficiency dishwasher, these reusable items are BY FAR the better environmental choice.

While it helped us avoid sending 7 cubic yards of waste to the landfill, using industrially compostable plates and utensils is a “least-worst” option for disposing single-use items. Reusable is always best!

Please Note: Collecting compostable paper products and plant-based plastic utensils was a special one-time service with Green Mountain Compost. Our local provider, GROW Compost, accepts food scraps only. The kitchen still serves some items in “industrially compostable” containers.

Disposable food containers are not recyclable and not compostable. They go in the trash, explaining why their use should be avoided when possible!

Please send ideas, questions, or comments on National Life’s waste reduction efforts to Charlie Maitland.