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Around National Life

Cybersecurity Awareness Month Begins Next Week

We’ve heard about the hacks all year long: from the DNC emails and the Yahoo breach, to public figures such as Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Don’t let yourself fall victim to having your personal information stolen!

Come check out this year’s Cybersecurity Awareness events, and sharpen your security skills.

Learn how to tell the difference between sophisticated phishing emails, healthy password management practices and how to secure your home Wi-Fi. With workshops on various topics throughout the month, there are plenty of time slots to fit your schedule! Enroll in the events through NL University. Participants will be able to earn points by attending these events, interacting with the surprise guest speaker on both campuses, and by demonstrating security awareness. These points will go towards the raffle drawing, which will include awesome prizes such as: Amazon gift cards, Sonos Wireless speakers, and the ultra-secure Luma Wi-Fi router. The National Life Information Security team will also match the grand-prize winner’s point value as a donation to charity.

Winners will be drawn at the conclusion of the Fair on October 31, 2016. Stay tuned to The Weekly and The Scoop for more details.