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Patti Brown will be retiring from National Life in March after 41 years with the company. Patti for many years has been a key member of the travel and conference team. We asked her to tell us a little bit more about her career before she begins retirement.

Q. What’s been your favorite part of working at National Life?

A. My favorite part by far is all of the wonderful people and relationships I have made over the years.

Q. A great deal of your time has been spent pulling off successful Presidents Club, Conference of Champions and Chairman’s Club meetings for our agents. You must have countless stories to tell of those experiences. What’s the most memorable one?

A. There are so many stories and memories! Early on in my career there was a conference in Hawaii. The outdoor Welcome Reception had just begun when all of a sudden there was a strong gust of wind and a torrential downpour that was totally unpredicted. We had hundreds of attendees outside. Some were running to get inside while others took to enjoying their cocktails and appetizers while crouching under the tables! We had no official indoor back up plan but with quick thinking the hotel was able to quickly transform the hotel lobby into our reception space. It turned out to be an enjoyable evening for all. The lesson learned was always have a back up plan regardless of what the locals tell you about the beautiful weather!

Q. Those marquee meetings, along with dozens of others, have been held in many different locations. What are the most interesting ones?

A. I have been so fortunate to be able to travel to many different beautiful locations. I love the International trips as you get to learn and experience the culture. Two of my most favorite locations were Australia and Ireland.

Q. You had to work every time you coordinated a conference in those locations. What did you do to relax despite the 12-plus-hour days?

A. Having the best teammates ever to be able to work hard with and share so many laughs with was what made it great. My most relaxing moments were on the days when I made time to call home and connect with family.

Q. How did you get involved in planning conferences?

A. I was working in FMG in a temp position and the opportunity to assist as a conference coordinator for the annual conference became available. What can I say…after the first conference I was hooked. It is so satisfying to see all the pieces come together and know that you have been a part of making special memories for people. I’ve always said that this is a career you either love or hate, there is no in between. I have been so fortunate to have had a long career doing what I love.

Q. How do you plan to spend your first week of retirement?

A. I am going to enjoy not having a planned schedule for the first week! I have home projects that I want to complete before Spring arrives.

Q. Now that you’re retiring, you might have more time to travel to some of the places where you’ve organized meetings. Are you interested in planning for fun? Where might you go?

A. For the immediate future we plan to enjoy the many sites and activities in New England that we have not experienced.

Q. What’s been your own best vacation and what made it so great?

A. I love relaxing and spending time with family at our camp on Holland Pond in the Northeast Kingdom. You need to go a couple of miles down the road in order to get good cell phone service. It’s great to disconnect for a bit!

Q. What would surprise your coworkers to know about you?

A. My husband, sister, brother-in-law and I competed in the National Toboggan Championships in Camden, Maine in the 90’s. One year we built our own wooden toboggan and finished in the Top 25 in the 4 man competition. It was great fun!

Q. What parting advice do you have for your coworkers at National Life?

A. Be kind to yourself, be kind to one another and laugh often.