We are starting off 2019 with excellent actuarial results! Please join us in congratulating the following individuals on their actuarial successes.
Nicole Frey completed the remaining steps to get her Fellowship. Nicole is our newest Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA).
Nick Bruno passed Predictive Analytics and he completed everything needed to get his Associate designation so he is our newest Associate of the Society of Actuaries (ASA).
Neil Ward passed the Valuation exam under the Individual Life and Annuities track of Fellowship exams.
Adam Daniere and Arjun Somasundaram passed the Predictive Analytics exam.
Mawra Abbasi, Adam Daniere (pictured above), Mercy Manhanga and Sophie Thorup passed Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics (LTAM)
Sarah Whitney passed Investment and Financial Markets (IFM)
Congratulations on completing another milestone on the road to Fellowship!