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This time of year, many people create New Year’s Resolutions. Did you create a goal or want to find some inspiration? We invite you to share your wellness priority and what motivates you to pursue your goal!  You may be encouraged by those with a similar aspiration or, perhaps, inspire others.

Depending on your location, we invite you to participate in one of the following ways.

  • In Vermont, please come to the National Life Health and Wellness Center and place your wellness goal on the challenge board.
  • In Texas, head over to the GOOD wall and use a sticky note to write down your wellness goal and add it to the wall.
  • Remote employees, call the National Life Health and Wellness Center at ext. 7515 and let them know your goal.

All who participate in the challenge board or just visits the Health and Wellness Center for inspiration will be added into a raffle to win a wellness related prize to be drawn on Valentine’s Day!