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Holiday Greetings from the Health and Wellness Center! I hope this finds you all finding some enjoyment in this eventful time of year. As wonderful a time a year as it can, or “should” be, the work –load during the 4th quarter push can be demanding, and planning or prepping for holiday festivities or shopping after hours can further drain energy resources. Now, more than ever, is the time to take care of yourself so that you can keep up.

It has been great to see and hear how festive National Life Groupers are with the beautiful Christmas tree in the lobby, the smiling snowman out front, and holiday ‘musak’ playing in the stairwell. It also sounds like there have been some delectables getting shared among co-workers but don’t worry, I’m not writing this article to lecture about not partaking in the celebratory treats. Enjoy! If possible just enjoy a little bit. Try splitting a cookie and sharing with a co-worker, or finding a baggie to bring home to a loved one. Of course I can’t help but advise washing hands before handling! You could consider allowing yourself one or two “treat days”, rather than every day that the treats are presented or around. If you are requested to contribute to the platter or a pot-luck then consider making a healthier option.

When it comes to healthy goodies try checking out the Diabetes Food Hub ( or the American Heart Association recipe collection ( You may think that you might not be able to find as yummy a selection of recipes as on Martha Stewart’s or Betty Crocker’s websites but you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Another way to make healthier choices is through snacking. If the idea of “healthy snacks” brings up images of dry, cracked carrots then it’s time to step outside the box. Carrots could certainly continue among your repertoire for healthy snacks, just add a dip of some sort or change up how you eat them (e.g. sliced thinly, cubed, thin rings). Check out some suggestions below.

  • Carrot or celery sticks with a tablespoon of hummus, nut butter, or yogurt based dip
  • Roasted chickpeas
  • Popcorn (with just a touch of butter if you can’t go without)
  • Nuts and seeds
    • Consider mixing up almonds with how their cut, such as slivered vs sliced. This helps mix up the texture
    • Consider adding try fruit to the mix and great your own “trail mix”
  • Chopped frozen veggies
    • Defrost, wash, then nibble away
  • Apples, Pears, Bananas
    • Consider mixing it up with dried apple slices
    • Consider spreading a nut butter
  • Kiwi fruit
  • Plain yogurt
    • Mix with a different jam, nuts, or granola each day
  • Homemade energy bars
    • There is a plethora of recipes online. Though they may include a bit of honey, or agave you can modify the amount and it will certainly be less sugar than anything packaged, plus you can portion them up in desired, more appropriate serving size amounts

While consuming your healthier snack or treat options try slowing down. Use the minute or two you are enjoying your bites to truly enjoy them by chewing slower, thinking about the flavors or textures. This may sound silly but having a more mindful moment such as this will help you mentally reset in a way that may energize or help you feel more productive with the little bit of energy you just consumed.

I hope this note stirs conversation among those of you who would like to make healthy choices, and that ideas or recipes are shared amongst your work groups. Meal and snack planning can get stale so it’s helpful to mix it up with ideas from others around you. Take care not to overindulge but don’t bum out about missing out. Enjoy everything in moderation.

-Kathleen Frame, NP

National Life Health & Wellness Center