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When you hold the door open for someone or show kindness in other ways, you’re doing this to help someone else feel good. But being kind to others can help your health and well-being too.

Here are four ways that being kind to others can come back to help you.


When you’re generous to others, you’ll be happier in your own life. The good feeling you get from helping others can boost your mood and your general outlook on life.

Less Stress

Kindness can lower your stress level. Taking a moment to put aside your worries to care for someone else may be exactly what you need on a stressful day.


The rewarding feeling you get from making a difference can rev up your energy. You might even feel stronger and more energetic after spending time helping others.

Healthy Heart

Showing kindness to others may actually lower your blood pressure. That’s good for your heart.

And the best side effect of kindness? It’s contagious. Pass it on by sharing your time (and good food) with others this holiday season. Try this recipe for Apple, Cranberry and Pecan Stuffing.


1. WebMD. “The Science of Good Deeds.” (accessed June 12, 2017)


This is intended to be general health information and not medical advice or services. You should consult your doctor for medical advice or services, including seeking advice before undertaking a new diet or exercise program.