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Our general agents gathered on the Addison campus this week for their annual fall meetings.

CEO Mehran Assadi led a team of executives and others from around the company in leading the meeting.

A lot of good work got done, of course, and a lot of planning for the big push into the fourth quarter.

But of course it wasn’t all hard work. Agents took a tour of the campus on Thursday as part of their gathering.

And they found that in Texas, football the game — and football rivalries — are a big deal.

Everyone was encouraged to wear a favorite team’s jersey. And as you can see in this photo, Mark Farrell, who heads the Contact Center, was in a bit of a rivalry with Tammy Gibbs, a Contact Center rep.

Mark, you see, is a big Ohio State fan. And Tammy is an equally devoted Michigan fan. We don’t believe they came to blows.

We’ll let you know after the two teams meet on Nov. 24, by the way, whether Mark and Tammy are still good natured about that rivalry!