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Nominees for our LifeChanger of the Year program will often write to us about what an honor it is to be considered for the awards.

Sometimes, one of those notes really hits home with its sincerity and honesty. And the note we got from Brooke Caldor was one of them. She was pretty frank about her reaction when she was first notified of her nomination.

We’re sharing the note below because it captures so well what it means to be a mission-driven company whose cause is to Do Good in the community.

Here is the note from Brooke, who is the school counselor at the Altoona Middle School in Altoona, Wisconsin.

I have to be honest. I did some “investigating” (even some stalking) to see if this “life changer” thing was legit. First, you sent me a cute frame, and I tucked it away in drawer because I thought you must be a company advertising something. Maybe you wanted me to order those cute frames? I wasn’t quite sure so I hid it.

Then my principal comes and talks to me about a letter he received from you. I said to him, “Is this like the old ‘Who’s Who in America’ where they recognize you if you send them $50 to buy the book that says your name?”

Then…my sister, my own flesh and blood, calls when she hears that I’ve been nominated and says, ‘Is this a scam?” Because this is what sisters do.

So I did a little researching. And I sent a picture. And you took the time to email me back! And suddenly you became more “real” to me.

And now that I know you are real and legit, I wanted to share a few things with you. I want you to know how “life changing’ this process really is. You see, I don’t really think I’m a life changer. I haven’t saved anyone from drowning or done CPR or pulled someone from a burning building. Nothing heroic. I do my job. Which I love. I do the little things. I went into this job thinking I was going to save lives. I was only 22 so I had a lot of learning to do. Then I became disheartened when I realized saving lives was harder than I thought. Now I have grown. I know that this isn’t really about saving lives. It’s about listening. And just being there because sometimes there aren’t really words to fix someone’s hurt. Life changing? Maybe. I’m still trying to figure that out.

I think perhaps Life Changed would be a better title for me. And that is why I am emailing you. My life has actually changed through this process. As uncomfortable as the acknowledgements have been, there have been several really touching moments for me and for that I owe you a thanks.

Students have come into my room with huge smiles on their faces to tell me they “voted” for me and then share what they wrote (even though I already read their kind words). It puts a bigger smile on my face and a hop in my step. So thank you for making adding some sunshine into our long, cold Wisconsin days!

A school board member called to thank me for bringing positive news because our district has had a tough year and we needed something positive. So thank you for giving us something to celebrate!

My dad called to tell me I am just like my mom. And I cried. Not the ugly sob that happens when I watch ‘This Is Us,’ but a good cry because there is nothing that means more than hearing I am like my mom because I miss her every day. And sometimes a good cry is ok because life is hard and we need to just cry a little bit sometimes.

And then my sister called and said, ‘Hey, I checked out these LifeChanger people and they are real.” Because that is what sisters do.

Maybe it was hard to believe you were real at first because we hear so many negative things in the media, and we just don’t think as positively as we should. But you have changed my mindset, and I am positive that YOU are changing lives. By bringing positive news to so many districts. To so many communities. To so many nominees.

So, no, I don’t expect to win (I read about the other nominees-they are AMAZING), but I feel like I already won a lot. And I wanted you to know because I now know how good it feels to know that people notice the little things you have done. And we sometimes wait for a funeral to talk about how great a person was. You have inspired me to tell people that they have changed my life. And I am beginning now.

So if you are ever left wondering what this Cause thing is all about, what we mean by Living Our Values Every day (L.O.V.E.), go back and read what Brooke shared with us.

That’s why we do what we do, in the LifeChanger program and in everything we do at National Life, large and small.