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Within the past few weeks,  the DMS Outbound team processed over 650,000 pieces of mail! That’s pretty impressive!

This includes all year end mailings including tax statements, quarterly statements and W4-P information among others.

In the past, weekends and overtime was required to tackle this feat. But this year, the team was able to complete almost all of the work within standard hours.

Below is an excerpt by team lead Eric Kemp acknowledging the team’s accomplishments:

“I want you to know how strong this team is and why I think they need to be applauded.

Mariah Breer for stepping up after only a year here to keep everything running smooth upstairs as 3 – 4 full time staff personnel were downstairs processing.

Larry Austin, Gloria Abare, Doris Leclerc as they are only supplemental staff but worked their weeks off to help us be able to complete everything downstairs.

Lastly Mike Damore for working all 3-weeks with us down stairs to complete everything.

I believe for the first time in my 29 years here we will have completed Year End, NLG and LSW taxes, LSW Qtly statements and W4-P mailing along with another ESI qtly of 4,500 pieces which is a manual process. If my counts are correct I believe we have processed around 650,000 pieces in a 3-week time frame.

I would like to also recognize Rick, Fred and Jason a strong team willing to do the extra to make DMS Outbound shine again. All these folks never complain and step up when asked.”

Way to go team!


Pictured above: Samantha Kemp, Jason Cushing, Richard Flood, Eric Kemp and Fred Pallas. Albert Trepanier, Jason Cushing and Richard Flood double check the outgoing mail, and Mariah Breer of Outbound team.