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Five employees who went the distance and used their full 40 hours of paid company time to volunteer for nonprofits last year are earning even more for charities.

A contest was held at the end of the year to encourage everyone to use their hours and to record them.

Of the roughly 20 employees who recorded using 40 hours for volunteering in UltiPro, five were chosen at random.

They were given the opportunity to decide which nonprofit would get a $200 contribution in their name from the National Life Group Foundation.

And the winners were:

  • Kaitlyn Lary in New Business, who chose Cross Cultural Solutions, which uses resources around the world to help towns and communities in need.
  • Minh Pham in the Enterprise Service Delivery Office, who chose to donate to the North Texas Foodbank. It provides food resources to the food insecure in the Dallas area.
  • Bonnie Pemberton in Market Conduct & Compliance, who asked that the money be sent to the Vermont Foodbank. It helps combat hunger throughout Vermont.
  • Aslin Trepanier in Licensing and Contracting, who chose to send the contribution to the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program, which helps refugees from around the world find homes in Vermont.
  • Richard Lord, who also works in New Business, chose the Manatee Memorial Foundation, which works with more than 30 nonprofits to help veterans and others.

We’re on to a new year now and there are plenty of new volunteer opportunities. Feel free to email the Vermont volunteer committee or the Texas volunteer committee if you’re looking for a place to work.

Photo at top: Bonnie Pemberton, third from the left, poses with Patti Morrison, Vermont Congressman Peter Welch, and Christie Keene at a volunteer event.