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Kathy Ruel has been with National Life Group for 33 years. She is retiring at the end of October 2017 and will be greatly missed by her teammates and business partners. Our friends in the Law Department took the opportunity to ask her 10 questions about her time and career with National Life, and we’re sharing the article from LawCom Connect.

Q. How did you end up at National Life?

A. I started as temp in the Treasurer’s Department, filling in for someone who was out on maternity leave. My supervisor thought I did a really good job, and they allowed me to stay on board for another month to give me time to find a full time job in the company. I ended up being hired as a Marketing Assistant in the Communications Department, Sales Promotion Division, reporting to Iz Truman.

Q. What has been most memorable for you during the past 33 years at National Life?

A. The introduction of computers! Departments wanting a computer actually had to write an essay to justify why it was needed and how it would be used. My department had only one computer for everyone to share.

Smoking at your desk. I was a smoker back then, so this was a plus at the time. I’m pleased to say that I kicked that terrible habit 12 years ago.

Creation of a new Compliance Department in 1993. Prior to that, Compliance was performed in Communications and in the Advertising Department. The original Compliance Department had 3 people.

Being part of the ultimate April’s Fools Day prank in 2004. Bob Burke never saw it coming. Nor did Al Gator.

Social Media. It’s changed the way agents and companies market their products and services and will continue to do so in the future.

Q. What will you miss most about National Life?

A. Absolutely, my co-workers. We have the best department in the building!

Q. What are your plans for fun during retirement?

A. Golf, then some more golf, then a bit more golf. And a little beach time. I will also enjoy monthly dinners with family who have already migrated to Florida.

Q. Describe how you felt the year you won the Carl Spackler Golf in Miniature tournament.

A. Ha ha ha….!  (gazing to ceiling with big smile).  I think my Market Conduct co-workers were more excited than I was!

Q. You’ll be retiring to Florida. What advice do you have for those of us staying and braving the cold Vermont winters?

A. Enjoy them!  I’ve always loved the snow, but hate the cold.  Snowshoeing on the trails behind the Guest House is the best.  I loved the treks that Kim Potter used to lead.

Q. Now that you are a better golfer than your husband, what challenge will you take up next?

A. No more competition for me!  I just want to go and have fun.  That is, until the next Carl Spackler event!

Q. If it was summer year round in Vermont, would you prefer a Vermont golf course or a Florida golf course?

A. Tough question!!  I have my favorites in both places, so it’s too difficult to choose.

Q. If you could play golf anywhere on earth, where would you play?

A. Scotland or England.  One of the originals…if they let women in and my handicap meets their standard!

Q. Tell us a little known fact about Kathy Ruel.

A. The life lines in my right hand spell the letter “K” for Kathy!