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From Scott Rogers and Our Facilities Team:

Over the weekend, we got notification that the fire alarm was going off in the Main Building, and immediately after Security called to let us know that a sprinkler head outside the Blue Jay conference room was flowing water. 

At 160 gallons per minute, it doesn’t take long to make a big mess. By the time the fire department responded, and we were able to shut the water off, we had standing water the entire length of the Blue Jay hallway and Blue Jay conference room with water damage extending into the main lobby on one end and into the café seating area on the other end. Water was finding its way through the floor into the kitchen below and into the executive garage. We put out an all-hands alert, and more than a dozen Facilities teammates dropped what they were doing and hustled to the office. After a few hours, the broken sprinkler head was fixed, and we had the majority of the water vacuumed up and carpet squares pulled in the hallway and café. We then turned the job over to a contractor who specializes in water damage cleanup and drying. The cause of the broken sprinkler head appears to have been a frozen pipe due to the extreme cold and high winds on Saturday.

Just one more reason to be proud of this team.

PS – Blue Jay will be offline for a while, and from the pictures below, you can see why.

Sunday duty
Blue Jay
Water damage
Blue Jay hallway