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Kristin Tousignant shared this great story about our colleague, Michael Boutin.

Michael always goes above and beyond for our city. One of the events that just occurred was our Christmas for Kids. This is headed up by Corporal Jason Fleury at the Barre City Police Department; he has many volunteers behind him. This year they did the coin drop on Saturday, December 3rd – in the rain. From the help of the volunteers and our wonderful community they managed to raise $3,101.77. Along with the coin drop they had some amazing donations which brought their total to $9101.77!!! This money will go directly to purchasing gifts for the children in need in Barre city, this is not limited to just toys.

This year Christmas for Kids has 80 families and 125 children in this program and with generous donations Christmas for Kids will be able to help all of them. Corporal Fleury, his daughter Katie, and a member from Barre City Elementary school shop for all of these items themselves (dad pushes the cart.) The gifts are all wrapped by volunteers afterwards and are delivered by Corporal Fleury and members of the Barre police Department.

Way to go, Michael! Thank you for supporting our community!